Monday, April 30, 2018

Get ready for our FREE training: SEO for beginners

Want to know what makes your site rank higher in Google? Understand how Google works? This is your chance to learn it… for free! For the first time ever, we’re launching a completely free course: the SEO for beginners training. In this course, you’ll take your first steps in the world of Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO. The course will be launched on May 7 and is easy, fun and free! So what’s stopping you?

Learn what to do to make your web traffic grow. Create a My Yoast user account now and we’ll give you access to the course on May 7!

Why take this course?

You want to rank higher

Whatever your expertise is, whether you’re a hairdresser, a consultant or a plumber, you probably have a website. And you want it to rank on top in Google. But what if the competition is outranking you? You can beat them through search engine optimization or SEO. SEO is the art of creating a website that search engines and users like. This can give you a head start on the competition that’s still in the dark about SEO. In the SEO for beginners training, you’ll learn why Google likes certain websites more than others. So you’ll know what to improve on your own website.

It’s easy

As this course is for beginners, it doesn’t matter if you know nothing about SEO or not so much about websites yet! We won’t use too many technical terms. We want everyone with a website to be able to understand what makes one website better than the other.

It’s fun and for free!

And on top of that, it’s free and much fun to do! You’ll get access to over two hours of instructional videos, lots of reading material, and challenging quizzes to train what you’ve learned. 

What will you learn?

In this training, you’ll learn which factors make a website rank high in Google’s search results. It will give you a fundamental understanding of how search engines work. You’ll learn about keywords, why they are important and how to choose them well. Also, you’ll get insight in writing SEO-friendly posts and how structuring your site well can improve your rankings.

Why is this course free?

At Yoast we believe in fair changes in the search results for everyone. We think SEO isn’t something only the big companies should be able to do. Small businesses or non-profit organizations, or great ideas in general should get a platform and should be easy to find on the internet as well. That’s why our Yoast SEO plugin is for free, you get a free eBook when you sign up for our newsletter and next week we’ll even add a free course to the list!

How do you get access?

As of May 7 you’ll be able to enroll in this course. It’s completely free. If you don’t want to miss it you can already create a My Yoast account. The course will be automatically added to your account on May 7. We’ll send you an email when it’s available!

The post Get ready for our FREE training: SEO for beginners appeared first on Yoast.

from Yoast • SEO for everyone

Faster, Fresher, Better: Announcing Link Explorer, Moz's New Link Building Tool

Posted by SarahBird

More link data. Fresher link data. Faster link data.

Today, I’m delighted to share that after eons of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, and love, Moz is taking a major step forward on our commitment to provide the best SEO tools money can buy.

We’ve rebuilt our link technology from the ground up and the data is now broadly available throughout Moz tools. It’s bigger, fresher, and much, much faster than our legacy link tech. And we’re just getting started! The best way to quickly understand the potential power of our revolutionary new link tech is to play with the beta of our Link Explorer.

Introducing Link Explorer, the newest addition to the Moz toolset!

We’ve heard your frustrations with Open Site Explorer and we know that you want more from Moz and your link building tools. OSE has done more than put in its time. Groundbreaking when it launched in 2008, it’s worked long and hard bring link data to the masses. It deserves the honor of a graceful retirement.

OSE represents our past; the new Link Explorer is our fast, innovative, ambitious future.

Here are some of my favorite things about the Link Explorer beta:

  • It’s 20x larger and 30x fresher than OSE (RIP)
  • Despite its huge index size, the app is lightning fast! I can’t stand waiting so this might be my number-one fav improvement.
  • We’re introducing Link Tracking Lists to make managing your link building efforts a breeze. Sometimes the simple things make the biggest difference, like when they started making vans with doors on each side. You’ll never go back.
  • Link Explorer includes historic data, a painful gap in OSE. Studying your gained/lost linking domains is fast and easy.
  • The new UX surfaces competitive insights much more quickly
  • Increases the size and freshness of the index improved the quality of Domain Authority and Spam Score. Voilà.

All this, and we’re only in beta.

Dive into your link data now!

Here’s a deeper dive into my favorites:

#1: The sheer size, quality, and speed of it all

We’re committed to data quality. Here are some ways that shows up in the Moz tools:

  • When we collect rankings, we evaluate the natural first page of rankings to ensure that the placement and content of featured snippets and other SERP features are correctly situated (as can happen when ranking are collected in 50- or 100-page batches). This is more expensive, but we think the tradeoff is worth it.
  • We were the first to build a hybrid search volume model using clickstream data. We still believe our model is the most accurate.
  • Our SERP corpus, which powers Keywords by Site, is completely refreshed every two weeks. We actively update up to 15 million of the keywords each month to remove keywords that are no longer being searched and replace them with trending keywords and terms. This helps keep our keyword data set fresh and relevant.

The new Link Explorer index extends this commitment to data quality. OSE wasn’t cutting it and we’re thrilled to unleash this new tech.

Link Explorer is over 20x larger and 30x fresher than our legacy link index. Bonus points: the underlying technology is very cost-efficient, making it much less expensive for us to scale over time. This frees up resources to focus on feature delivery. BOOM!

One of my top pet peeves is waiting. I feel physical pain while waiting in lines and for apps to load. I can’t stand growing old waiting for a page to load (amirite?).

The new Link Explorer app is delightfully, impossibly fast. It’s like magic. That’s how link research should be. Magical.

#2: Historical data showing discovered and lost linking domains

If you’re a visual person, this report gives you an immediate idea of how your link building efforts are going. A spike you weren't expecting could be a sign of spam network monkey business. Deep-dive effortlessly on the links you lost and gained so you can spend your valuable time doing thoughtful, human outreach.

#3: Link Tracking Lists

Folks, this is a big one. Throw out (at least one of... ha. ha.) those unwieldy spreadsheets and get on board with Link Tracking Lists, because these are the future. Have you been chasing a link from a particular site? Wondering if your outreach emails have borne fruit yet? Want to know if you’ve successfully placed a link, and how you’re linking? Link Tracking Lists cut out a huge time-suck when it comes to checking back on which of your target sites have actually linked back to you.

Why announce the beta today?

We’re sharing this now for a few reasons:

  • The new Link Explorer data and app have been available in beta to a limited audience. Even with a quiet, narrow release, the SEO community has been talking about it and asking good questions about our plans. Now that the Link Explorer beta is in broad release throughout all of Moz products and the broader Moz audience can play with it, we’re expecting even more curiosity and excitement.
  • If you’re relying on our legacy link technology, this is further notice to shift your applications and reporting to the new-and-improved tech. OSE will be retired soon! We’re making it easier for API customers to get the new data by providing a translation layer for the legacy API.
  • We want and need your feedback. We are committed to building the very best link building tool on the planet. You can expect us to invest heavily here. We need your help to guide our efforts and help us make the most impactful tradeoffs. This is your invitation to shape our roadmap.

Today’s release of our new Link Explorer technology is a revolution in Moz tools, not an evolution. We’ve made a major leap forward in our link index technology that delivers a ton of immediate value to Moz customers and the broader Moz Community.

Even though there are impactful improvements around the corner, this ambitious beta stands on its own two feet. OSE wasn’t cutting it and we’re proud of this new, fledgling tech.

What’s on the horizon for Link Explorer?

We’ve got even more features coming in the weeks and months ahead. Please let us know if we’re on the right track.

  • Link Building Assistant: a way to quickly identify new link acquisition opportunities
  • A more accurate and useful Link Intersect feature
  • Link Alerts to notify you when you get a link from a URL you were tracking in a list
  • Changes to how we count redirects: Currently we don't count links to a redirect as links to the target of the redirect (that's a lot of redirects), but we have this planned for the future.
  • Significantly scaling up our crawling to further improve freshness and size

Go forth, and explore:

Try the new Link Explorer!

Tomorrow Russ Jones will be sharing a post that discusses the importance of quality metrics when it comes to a link index, and don’t miss our pinned Q&A post answering questions about Domain Authority and Page Authority changes or our FAQ in the Help Hub.

We’ll be releasing early and often. Watch this space, and don’t hold back your feedback. Help us shape the future of Links at Moz. We’re listening!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog

'I don't see my future, it's dark and gloomy': The stories of Surrey's homeless

Despite homelessness being a hot topic in national media, it is easy to forget the stories of the figures tucked away in the side streets

from getsurrey - News

Man's jaw broken at Epsom car boot sale in 'unprovoked attack'

The attack happened at a car boot sale at Hook Road Arena

from getsurrey - News

Orange and lemon gin goes on sale - and this is where you can buy it

Roll on the summer!

from getsurrey - News

Huge Aldershot rubbish blaze tackled by 10 firefighters

Firefighters from Rushmoor fire station received reports of the blaze at around 12.40pm on Monday (April 30)

from getsurrey - News

Greyhound Trust to move headquarters to Horley and build flagship rehoming centre for 60 dogs

The trust says its new home will ensure the charity's future, and ensure the 4,000 dogs it rehomes annually are not put down

from GetSurrey - News

Guildford Street Play initiative gives children opportunity for 'playing out' once again

Wodeland Avenue held its first Street Play event in April 2018 and plans to hold at least three more

from GetSurrey - News

Man robbed of Gucci jacket, Versace belt, money and mobile phone in Woking

Surrey Police is appealing for witnesses of the incident to come forward

from getsurrey - News

Meet the Elmbridge candidates standing in May council elections

We have listed all the candidates running and given them an opportunity to tell YOU why they deserve your vote

from getsurrey - News

Man badly hurt after being hit by bus near Gatwick Airport

A Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance team attended the scene in the early hours of Monday (April 30)

from getsurrey - News

Leatherhead resident saves Leach Grove Wood from being turned into NHS car park

In a long fought battle with many obstacles, Tim Jones has successfully convinced the High Court that the woods should be a registered village green

from getsurrey - News

12 bowling alleys in Surrey perfect for a family day out

We've rounded up some of the top ten pin bowling alleys in Surrey

from getsurrey - News

Fly-tippers foil alleged drug-driver during police chase in Chertsey

Just occasionally, fly-tipping can be helpful rather than a nuisance

from getsurrey - News

Meet the Woking candidates standing in May local elections

See what your local candidates have to say on the issues affecting Woking

from getsurrey - News

Gin and vodka is the best drink for hay fever sufferers

This is all according to research, we swear

from getsurrey - News

Austen House flat closed after drug dealers take over vulnerable person's home

Surrey Police described the incident as "a classic case of 'cuckooing'"

from getsurrey - News

'Strong possibility' cot bumper contributed to five-year-old's death at Children's Trust in Tadworth, inquest hears

Connor Wellsted, from Sheffield, was found dead in his cot at The Children's Trust in May 2017, an inquest heard

from getsurrey - News

Flood alerts issued across Surrey due to heavy rainfall

Property flooding is not expected but water levels will rise as result of heavy rainfall, according to the Environment Agency

from getsurrey - News

Sainsbury's and Asda customers to benefit from post-merger price slash

If approved, the deal will create a high street titan even bigger than Tesco

from getsurrey - News

Fly-tipping builder slapped with £1,000 in fines for dumping kitchen surface in Farnborough

In 2016/17 councils in Surrey spent more than £618,000 clearing up dumped rubbish

from getsurrey - News

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Met Office releases new weather warning for strong winds as well as heavy rain

Just when you thought Monday couldn't get any worse

from getsurrey - News

11 of the weird and wonderful Guinness World Records set in Surrey

Do you have a World Record holder in your neighbourhood?

from getsurrey - News

Shocking photo reveals effect Oak Processionary Moth had on dog in Surrey

WARNING: Story contains graphic image

from getsurrey - News

Dog walkers take to streets of Godalming to raise money in memory of Jade Clements

The walk is raising money both to cover funeral costs and to donate to charity

from getsurrey - News

Man arrested after car stopped with the help of stinger following Shere police chase

A stinger was used to help bring the car to a stop

from getsurrey - News

Southern Rail predict delays across network as they brace for heavy rain

Network Rail have warned that the heavy rain will affect services between Sunday and Tuesday

from getsurrey - News

Get ready for rain as yellow weather warning now covers whole of Surrey

The Met Office said "the heavy rain will be accompanied by strong to gale force northerly winds"

from getsurrey - News

Eat your way through The Atrium in Camberley

A guide to restaurants and places to eat at The Atrium in Camberley

from getsurrey - News

A bottomless brunch is coming to this Surrey restaurant

But you will have to be quick if you want to try it as it will only be available for one day

from getsurrey - News

ITV are looking for scare actors to star in behind the scenes Thorpe Park filming

A six-part factual entertainment show will film actors during Thorpe Park Fright Night

from getsurrey - News

Warning about toxic caterpillars previously spotted in Guildford which can cause breathing difficulties

The larvae of the oak processionary moth (OPM) can cause skin and eye irritations, sore throats and breathing difficulties

from getsurrey - News

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Posts installed at Chobham Common as controversial parking charges loom

"Counsellor Goodman's postmen have arrived. The spoiling of Chobham Common is about to begin."

from getsurrey - News

Man avoids jail after being caught on CCTV breaking into Oxted shed

Valentine Akehurst, 46, has avoided jail despite being caught on very clear CCTV footage in March

from getsurrey - News

Sainsbury's has recalled this pet food which could cause vomiting and diarrhoea

The food may contain high levels of vitamin D which exceed the maximum recommended intake

from getsurrey - News

When is it going to rain in Surrey? Your forecast for upcoming yellow weather warning

The Met Office has warned there is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded

from getsurrey - News

Here are some lesser known in-flight extras you probably didn't know you are entitled to

Members of cabin crew have revealed the in-flight perks you could get simply by asking very nicely...

from getsurrey - News

Man charged over five Woking burglaries all committed on the same night

April 20 saw five Woking homes targeted in a series of burglaries

from getsurrey - News

Garden wall smashed following alleged police chase in Woking

A man was arrested for driving offences and on suspicion of theft, Surrey Police said

from getsurrey - News

Rock painting craze takes Bagshot by storm

These rocks, rock!

from getsurrey - News

Where and when to see bluebells in Surrey

Get the family together and discover the delights of these delicate flowers that transform Surrey’s wonderful woodlands

from getsurrey - News

Things to do in Surrey in May 2018 - a guide for all the family

Your week-by-week guide to events, days out and activities happening on your doorstep in May

from getsurrey - News

Redhill running Stormtrooper believes he has set a new world record at the Brighton Marathon

Here's one Stormtrooper who hasn't missed his target

from getsurrey - News

Friday, April 27, 2018

Council recommends closing Ripley Primary School despite 417 objections

Parents and residents have vowed to fight on despite the publication of a recommendation to close the school

from getsurrey - News

Green Oak school in Godalming could be saved from closure, at least for now

The proposal to halt the consideration of the school's closure will be decided on May 8

from getsurrey - News

Duplicate content: causes and solutions

Church of Scientology prosecuted for contaminating River Medway stream with raw sewage

Problems with the Church of Scientology sewage treatment plant became apparent after a large gala concert was held in October 2015

from getsurrey - News

Hindhead Tunnel closed 'intermittently' after Renault van leaves road

The accident happened at around 3.30pm on Friday (April 27)

from getsurrey - News

Surrey Police officer suspended after being charged with stalking

PC Marc Sturrock is accused of committing the offence in 2017

from getsurrey - News

Images released of balaclava gang wanted for Great Bookham ram raid

Police have released new images of the raid as it happened on Friday morning (April 27) as they appeal for more witnesses

from getsurrey - News

Two-time Paralympic gold medalist criticises litter left near rowing club after recent warm weather

Rachel Morris won a gold medal in 2008 as a handcyclist before winning eight years later as a rower

from getsurrey - News

Police reassure public about safety at Reigate's Priory Park after five boys are hurt

Officers and the borough council have said they keep a close eye on the park after the violent incidents were reported on successive weekends

from getsurrey - News

Great Bookham Co-op ram raid pictures and reaction

At about 3.30am on Friday (April 27) two vehicles were used in a raid on the shop in the High Street

from getsurrey - News

For your own safety don't carry a knife, Surrey police commissioner says

David Munro, Surrey's police and crime commissioner spoke about knife crime

from getsurrey - News

Is mystery Fetcham film crew shooting new Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen drama?

The crew have been using Leatherhead Leisure Centre car park to store some of their equipment

from getsurrey - News

Residents angered as TRU nightclub Camberley applies to extend opening hours

Town centre residents say they have video evidence of public space used as a "toilet" by nightclub goers

from getsurrey - News

Gatwick Airport border force officers seize four kilos of cocaine being smuggled from Jamaica

Officers found the cocaine in tins of hot chocolate on Thursday, April 19

from getsurrey - News

Process of calling police on 101 needs 'sharpening up' councillors tell crime commissioner

Councillors have expressed concerns about call centre staff having to answer both 999 and 101 calls

from getsurrey - News

Sporting stars Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, Jonny Wilkinson and Joe Root film in Guildford's Stoke Park

The sport stars were spotted filming an advert for insurance company Vitality on April 26

from getsurrey - News

Forecasters predict 'Beauty from the East' is on its way to turn up the temperature

Experts say a so-called 'Beauty from the East' is on it's way to warm our shores but only after a period of cold weather

from getsurrey - News

Content for Answers: The Inverted Pyramid - Whiteboard Friday

Posted by Dr-Pete

If you've been searching for a quick hack to write content for featured snippets, this isn't the article for you. But if you're looking for lasting results and a smart tactic to increase your chances of winning a snippet, you're definitely in the right place.

Borrowed from journalism, the inverted pyramid method of writing can help you craft intentional, compelling, rich content that will help you rank for multiple queries and win more than one snippet at a time. Learn how in this Whiteboard Friday starring the one and only Dr. Pete!

Content for Answers

Click on the whiteboard image above to open a high-resolution version in a new tab!

Video Transcription

Hey, Moz fans, Dr. Pete here. I'm the Marketing Scientist at Moz and visiting you from not-so-sunny Chicago in the Seattle office. We've talked a lot in the last couple years in my blog posts and such about featured snippets.

So these are answers that kind of cross with organic. So it's an answer box, but you get the attribution and the link. Britney has done some great Whiteboard Fridays, the last couple, about how you do research for featured snippets and how you look for good questions to answer. But I want to talk about something that we don't cover very much, which is how to write content for answers.

The inverted pyramid style of content writing

It's tough, because I'm a content marketer and I don't like to think that there's a trick to content. I'm afraid to give people the kind of tricks that would have them run off and write lousy, thin content. But there is a technique that works that I think has been very effective for featured snippets for writing for questions and answers. It comes from the world of journalism, which gives me a little more faith in its credibility. So I want to talk to you about that today. That's called the inverted pyramid.

Content for Answers

1. Start with the lead

It looks something like this. When you write a story as a journalist, you start with the lead. You lead with the lead. So if we have a story like "Penguins Rob a Bank," which would be a strange story, we want to put that right out front. That's interesting. Penguins rob a bank, that's all you need to know. The thing about it is, and this is true back to print, especially when we had to buy each newspaper. We weren't subscribers. But definitely on the web, you have to get people's attention quickly. You have to draw them in. You have to have that headline.

2. Go into the details

So leading with the lead is all about pulling them in to see if they're interested and grabbing their attention. The inverted pyramid, then you get into the smaller pieces. Then you get to the details. You might talk about how many penguins were there and what bank did they rob and how much money did they take.

3. Move to the context

Then you're going to move to the context. That might be the history of penguin crime in America and penguin ties to the mafia and what does this say about penguin culture and what are we going to do about this. So then it gets into kind of the speculation and the value add that you as an expert might have.

How does this apply to answering questions for SEO?

So how does this apply to answering questions in an SEO context?

Content for Answers

Lead with the answer, get into the details and data, then address the sub-questions.

Well, what you can do is lead with the answer. If somebody's asked you a question, you have that snippet, go straight to the summary of the answer. Tell them what they want to know and then get into the details and get into the data. Add those things that give you credibility and that show your expertise. Then you can talk about context.

But I think what's interesting with answers — and I'll talk about this in a minute — is getting into these sub-questions, talking about if you have a very big, broad question, that's going to dive up into a lot of follow-ups. People who are interested are going to want to know about those follow-ups. So go ahead and answer those.

If I win a featured snippet, will people click on my answer? Should I give everything away?

Content for Answers

So I think there's a fear we have. What if we answer the question and Google puts it in that box? Here's the question and that's the query. It shows the answer. Are people going to click? What's going to happen? Should we be giving everything away? Yes, I think, and there are a couple reasons.

Questions that can be very easily answered should be avoided

First, I want you to be careful. Britney has gotten into some of this. This is a separate topic on its own. You don't always want to answer questions that can be very easily answered. We've already seen that with the Knowledge Graph. Google says something like time and date or a fact about a person, anything that can come from that Knowledge Graph. "How tall was Abraham Lincoln?" That's answered and done, and they're already replacing those answers.

Answer how-to questions and questions with rich context instead

So you want to answer the kinds of things, the how-to questions and the why questions that have a rich enough context to get people interested. In those cases, I don't think you have to be afraid to give that away, and I'm going to tell you why. This is more of a UX perspective. If somebody asks this question and they see that little teaser of your answer and it's credible, they're going to click through.

"Giving away" the answer builds your credibility and earns more qualified visitors

Content for Answers

So here you've got the penguin. He's flushed with cash. He's looking for money to spend. We're not going to worry about the ethics of how he got his money. You don't know. It's okay. Then he's going to click through to your link. You know you have your branding and hopefully it looks professional, Pyramid Inc., and he sees that question again and he sees that answer again.

Giving the searcher a "scent trail" builds trust

If you're afraid that that's repetitive, I think the good thing about that is this gives him what we call a scent trail. He can see that, "You know what? Yes, this is the page I meant to click on. This is relevant. I'm in the right place." Then you get to the details, and then you get to the data and you give this trail of credibility that gives them more to go after and shows your expertise.

People who want an easy answer aren't the kind of visitors that convert

I think the good thing about that is we're so afraid to give something away because then somebody might not click. But the kind of people who just wanted that answer and clicked, they're not the kind of people that are going to convert. They're not qualified leads. So these people that see this and see it as credible and want to go read more, they're the qualified leads. They're the kind of people that are going to give you that money.

So I don't think we should be afraid of this. Don't give away the easy answers. I think if you're in the easy answer business, you're in trouble right now anyway, to be honest. That's a tough topic. But give them something that guides them to the path of your answer and gives them more information.

How does this tactic work in the real world?

Thin content isn't credible.

Content for Answers

So I'm going to talk about how that looks in a more real context. My fear is this. Don't take this and run off and say write a bunch of pages that are just a question and a paragraph and a ton of thin content and answering hundreds and hundreds of questions. I think that can really look thin to Google. So you don't want pages that are like question, answer, buy my stuff. It doesn't look credible. You're not going to convert. I think those pages are going to look thin to Google, and you're going to end up spinning out many, many hundreds of them. I've seen people do that.

Use the inverted pyramid to build richer content and lead to your CTA

Content for Answers

What I'd like to see you do is craft this kind of question page. This is something that takes a fair amount of time and effort. You have that question. You lead with that answer. You're at the top of the pyramid. Get into the details. Get into the things that people who are really interested in this would want to know and let them build up to that. Then get into data. If you have original data, if you have something you can contribute that no one else can, that's great.

Then go ahead and answer those sub-questions, because the people who are really interested in that question will have follow-ups. If you're the person who can answer that follow-up, that makes for a very, very credible piece of content, and not just something that can rank for this snippet, but something that really is useful for anybody who finds it in any way.

So I think this is great content to have. Then if you want some kind of call to action, like a "Learn More," that's contextual, I think this is a page that will attract qualified leads and convert.

Moz's example: What is a Title Tag?

So I want to give you an example. This is something we've used a lot on Moz in the Learning Center. So, obviously, we have the Moz blog, but we also have these permanent pages that answer kind of the big questions that people always have. So we have one on the title tag, obviously a big topic in SEO.

Content for Answers

Here's what this page looks like. So we go right to the question: What is a title tag? We give the answer: A title tag is an HTML element that does this and this and is useful for SEO, etc. Right there in the paragraph. That's in the featured snippet. That's okay. If that's all someone wants to know and they see that Moz answered that, great, no problem.

But naturally, the people who ask that question, they really want to know: What does this do? What's it good for? How does it help my SEO? How do I write one? So we dug in and we ended up combining three or four pieces of content into one large piece of content, and we get into some pretty rich things. So we have a preview tool that's been popular. We give a code sample. We show how it might look in HTML. It gives it kind of a visual richness. Then we start to get into these sub-questions. Why are title tags important? How do I write a good title tag?

One page can gain the ability to rank for hundreds of questions and phrases

What's interesting, because I think sometimes people want to split up all the questions because they're afraid that they have to have one question per page, what's interesting is that I think looked the other day, this was ranking in our 40 million keyword set for over 200 phrases, over 200 questions. So it's ranking for things like "what is a title tag," but it's also ranking for things like "how do I write a good title tag." So you don't have to be afraid of that. If this is a rich, solid piece of content that people are going to, you're going to rank for these sub-questions, in many cases, and you're going to get featured snippets for those as well.

Then, when people have gotten through all of this, we can give them something like, "Hey, Moz has some of these tools. You can help write richer title tags. We can check your title tags. Why don't you try a free 30-day trial?" Obviously, we're experimenting with that, and you don't want to push too hard, but this becomes a very rich piece of content. We can answer multiple questions, and you actually have multiple opportunities to get featured snippets.

So I think this inverted pyramid technique is legitimate. I think it can help you write good content that's a win-win. It's good for SEO. It's good for your visitors, and it will hopefully help you land some featured snippets.

So I'd love to hear about what kind of questions you're writing content for, how you can break that up, how you can answer that, and I'd love to discuss that with you. So we'll see you in the comments. Thank you.

Video transcription by

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog

Content is king – 20% off our SEO copywriting training

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Shocking dash cam footage of crash released to highlight dangers of drink-driving

The video, taken from the offender's own dash cam, captures the moment a woman crashes into a parked car having been seen swerving across the road

from getsurrey - News

Win a Ticket + Lodging to MozCon 2018!

Posted by ErinMcCaul

Have you been wanting to come to MozCon but just can’t swing the budget? Want to take a selfie with Roger, meet like-minded friends at our afterparties, and learn from leading industry experts? I’m thrilled to announce that you can do it all by winning a free ticket to join us at MozCon this July!

Those front-row seats look awfully cushy.

I’m one of the behind-the-scenes house elves who helps make MozCon happen, and I’m here to tell you everything you need to know about entering to win!

To enter, just submit a unique piece of content telling us why we should send you to MozCon by Sunday May 6th at 5pm PDT. Make sure your entry is both original and creative — the Moz staff will review all submissions and vote on the winner! If you’re chosen, we’ll pick up the tab for your registration and accommodations at the Grand Hyatt. You’ll also have a reserved VIP seat in our front row, and an invite to mix and mingle at our pre-event MozCon speakers’ dinner!

Without further ado, here’s the scoop:

Step 1: Create!

Create a unique, compelling piece of content telling us why you want to come to MozCon. Past ideas have included:

  • Drawings
  • Videos (must be one minute or less)
  • Blog posts
  • Original songs
  • Books
  • Slide decks
  • Anything else you can cook up!

Don’t feel limited by these examples. Is this the year we’ll see a Lego Roger stop-motion film, a MozCon-inspired show tune, or Roger-themed sugar cookies? The sky's the limit, my friends! (But think hard about trying your hand at those cookies.)

Step 2: Submit!

Once you’re ready to throw your hat in the game, tweet us a link @Moz and use the hashtag #MozConVIP by Sunday May 6th at 5pm PDT. Make sure to follow the instructions, and include your name and email address somewhere easily visible within your content. To keep things fair, there will be no exceptions to the rules. We need to be able to contact you if you’re our lucky winner!

Let’s recap:

  • The submission deadline is Sunday May 6th at 5pm PDT.
  • Mozzers will vote on all the entries based on the creativity and uniqueness of the content
  • We’ll announce the winning entry from @Moz via Twitter on Friday, May 11. You must be able to attend MozCon, July 9–11 2018, in Seattle. Prizes are non-transferable.
  • All submissions must adhere to the MozCon Code of Conduct
  • Content is void where prohibited by law.
  • The value of the prize will be reported for tax purposes as required by law; the winner will receive an IRS form 1099 at the end of the calendar year and a copy of such form will be filed with the IRS. The winner is solely responsible for reporting and paying any and all applicable taxes related to the prizes and paying any expenses associated with any prize which are not specifically provided for in the official rules.

Our lucky winner will receive:

  • A free ticket to MozCon 2018, including optional VIP front-row seating and an invitation to our speakers’ dinner (valued at $1,500+)
  • Accommodations with a suite upgrade at the Grand Hyatt from July 8–12, 2018 (valued at $1,300+)

Alright, that’s wrap. I can’t wait to see what you folks come up with! Happy creating!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog

How to add HowTo structured data to your how-to article

Ask Yoast: Google ranking the ‘wrong’ page for keyword

Deepcut Tory councillor posts video about 'eradicating feral youth problem'

The councillor posted the video in response to a spate of youth disruption in Surrey Heath

from getsurrey - News

Lee Mack comedy being filmed in Sandhurst

The BBC wouldn't comment further on the show as it will not be transmitted in the first instance

from getsurrey - News

Travellers remain at Onslow Park and Ride in Guildford despite being served notice

The travellers have been handed a notice to vacate the premises

from getsurrey - News

New Lingfield Tesco store on site of The Old Cage pub will open later than planned

It hoped to open late spring but there are still hoardings around the building

from getsurrey - News

Recorded crimes in Surrey rise by 14.4% to more than 72,800 for 2017/18

Rape, sexual offences, hate crimes and vehicles crimes have all increased, according to Surrey Police statistics from the last 12 months

from getsurrey - News

'Uncertainty' over future of iconic John Dennis Coachbuilders as fire service cuts bite

The company's most recent accounts show its income has halved since 2010 and its auditors highlighted "material uncertainty" about its ability to continue as a going concern

from getsurrey - News

Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill, Jonny Wilkinson and Joe Root spotted at Stoke Park in Guildford

They were joined by rugby star Maro Itoje and paralympian Ellie Simmonds at the park on Thursday (April 26)

from getsurrey - News

Hampton Ferry owners claim business could be under threat from proposed sea scout development

The owners say a proposal for a new water activity centre near Hurst Park could lead to the closure of the 500-year-old ferry

from getsurrey - News

Description released after Redhill man and baby hospitalised in 'unknown substance' attack

Police have just released a description of the man they are looking for

from getsurrey - News

Not all reception children due to start at Green Oak School were offered an alternative place

Parents said they were confused as the school is facing possible closure from August 31

from getsurrey - News

Volkswagen Polo sustains severe damage to front in A30 Staines Bypass crash

Surrey Police released pictures of the Polo following the crash on Thursday morning (April 26)

from getsurrey - News

Cheeki Rafiki yacht manager found not guilty of gross negligence manslaughter

Four Cheeki Rafiki crew, including a 22-year-old man from Farnham, died in May 2014 when their boat capsized in the Atlantic ocean

from getsurrey - News

Families enjoy rock painting in Cranleigh as craze goes viral

People of all ages are spending their free time decorating and hunting rocks

from getsurrey - News

Bocketts Farm sheep kisses farmer after he save one of its new lambs which was born not breathing

The sheep gave birth to a surprise fourth lamb that wasn't breathing properly

from getsurrey - News

County council 'bypassing' legal requirements with rural parking charges, campaign group claims

Save Newlands Corner members claim the county council must apply for permission from the Planning Inspectorate before installing parking meters

from getsurrey - News

Council described as 'trailblazer for tackling loneliness' gets visit from government team

A government team visited Elmbridge on Friday (April 20) to learn more about ways to combat loneliness

from getsurrey - News

Met Office issues yellow weather warning for rain across part of Surrey

It could get very wet.

from getsurrey - News

Redhill baby and man taken to hospital after man sprayed in face with 'unknown substance'

Surrey Police is appealing for information after the incident in Redhill that took place at 8.50pm on Wednesday (April 25)

from getsurrey - News

Guildford Local Plan inspector asks if Wisley Airfield site is big enough

Planning inspector Jonathan Bore has identified 11 areas for consideration when public hearings open in June 2018

from getsurrey - News

Weybridge motorist who killed cyclist after 'driving like an idiot' has appeal thrown out

Paul Zagar, 32, was in a hurry to get to work and one witness described him as “driving like an idiot” in the minutes before the tragedy

from getsurrey - News

Addlestone teen caught drink-driving after sticking middle finger up to police banned for 18 months

"Not the wisest thing to do at that point of the morning and it had predictable results," said the Judge

from getsurrey - News

Man on Woking roof comes down 'of own accord' to be arrested and taken to hospital

The man climbed onto a property in Westfield where he remained for almost 3 hours

from getsurrey - News

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Police in Westfield's Liquorice Lane as man climbs roof following crash

The fire and ambulance services are also in attendance

from getsurrey - News

Chris Grayling commissions independent review into South Western Railway's 'disappointing' performance

A SWR spokesman said it is "determined to put [performance levels] right" while Network Rail stated it will work with the train operator to "improve" services

from getsurrey - News

M25 accident in which lorry caught fire after crash leaves two with serious injuries

The incident happened on the M25 anticlockwise J17 near Maple Cross

from getsurrey - News

Tributes paid to man killed in Shepperton van crash as residents react to tragedy

The man, in his 20s, was killed when his van crashed into two parked cars on Saturday morning (April 21)

from getsurrey - News

Woman 'racially abused' outside her Dorking home

Surrey Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident

from getsurrey - News

World's fastest zipline is returning to London and it looks absolutely INCREDIBLE - here's how to book

Thrill-seekers will spot the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, the London Eye and the River Thames as they zoom across the capital

from getsurrey - News

No legal challenge to 'devastating' Howard of Effingham planning decision, parish council decides

Effingham Parish Council has been advised that a legal challenge to the 295-home plan is unlikely to succeed

from getsurrey - News

Carpenter who died when he was hit by a car received 'vile' social media messages

Oliver Spooner, from Odiham, decided to walk home from a night out after receiving 'vile' messages on Facebook

from getsurrey - News

The lucky £121million EuroMillions winner has come forward to claim their prize

A life-changing sum of money to claim in the UK

from getsurrey - News

Devastating pictures show 'kind and gentle' dad on life support after routine hospital procedure

A meeting between the family and a doctor reveals Mr Williams choked on a sandwich given to him before a numbing agent wore off. WARNING: DISTRESSING IMAGE

from getsurrey - News

Personal configuration review: Train your skills and get our feedback

Today we’re launching the Personal configuration review: an extra personal assignment you can add to the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training. You can now test if you’ve understood the subject matter of our training well and do an extra assignment – on your own site! When you’ve configured Yoast SEO on your site, we’ll check it for you and give you personal feedback. This assignment is only available in combination with our plugin training. Buy them together now for only $99!

Get The Yoast SEO Training + Configuration Review Now$99 (ex VAT) for training and assignment

What is it?

The Personal configuration review is an extension of the existing Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin training. In this new assignment we’ll take you by the hand and guide you through the settings of Yoast SEO, like the Search appearance section, the integration with Google Search Console and the Social tab. For instance, we’ll help you decide which content you should have indexed and which not. Get ready to apply the skills you’ve learned in the training!

You can only do this assignment when you buy the Yoast SEO for WordPress training. We recommend doing that because it will give you the opportunity to test your comprehension of the Yoast SEO plugin. And even better, you’ll know directly if Yoast SEO is configured optimally for your type of website.

How does it work?

Adding this extra assignment to your course is easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Buy the course and the assignment together (the assignment is only available as an extension of the training).
  2. After you’ve finished the course you’ll get access to the Personal configuration review assignment.
  3. Get started and configure Yoast SEO on your own website with help of the assignment.
  4. Once you’re done inform us that you’ve finished it and grant us access to the backend of your WordPress Install via a guest account.
  5. We’ll check your configuration and we’ll provide personal feedback by email.
  6. If you’ve set it up well, you’ll get an additional certificate and badge.

Why this assignment?

At Yoast we want to deliver the best online SEO courses. We believe good training requires some personal attention. That’s why we’ll top up more courses with assignments that will be checked by members of our team in the future. Because nothing is more valuable than true customized feedback by SEO professionals!

Get The Yoast SEO Training + Configuration Review Now$99 (ex VAT) for training and assignment

The post Personal configuration review: Train your skills and get our feedback appeared first on Yoast.

from Yoast • SEO for everyone

Wet and warm weather could lead to Asian tiger mosquito invading country, trade association says

The Asian tiger mosquito is a small black and white daytime biting insect

from getsurrey - News

Car crashes into window of Godalming hair salon

One person was taken to hospital with a head injury, South East Coast Ambulance Service confirmed

from getsurrey - News

Surf and turf dispute: Graffiti warfare breaks out in Farnham with veganism at centre

"I just hake mindless vandalism," reaction as fish restaurant sign graffitied

from getsurrey - News

The timetable for every single Southern Rail and Thameslink service in Surrey is to change

The new schedule will take effect from 2am on Sunday, May 20

from getsurrey - News

Camberley McDonald's gets digital upgrade, table service, and click and collect

It’s simple – order, check in, pay & collect

from getsurrey - News

Footage emerges of aspiring terrorist fighter at Chobham paintball centre

Ahmed Alsyed was sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison after pleading guilty to terrorism offences

from getsurrey - News

Increased policing tax saves officer posts from being cut in Rushmoor

The average household in Rushmoor will now be paying £177.46 per annum for their policing services this year

from getsurrey - News

Surrey and Sussex Police pups first training session as they em-bark on crime fighting career

The M litter had their very first training session on April 7

from getsurrey - News

Guildford charity and coffee shop launch campaign to reduce plastic and help the homeless - but they need your help!

If you love coffee and want to do your bit for the community and environment - look no further

from getsurrey - News

Man airlifted to hospital after collapsing in Redhill town centre

"When you see that many police cars it’s quite frightening under any circumstances"

from getsurrey - News

Elderly woman injured in three car collision in Bookham

The crash occurred near to Bocketts Farm

from getsurrey - News

How We Got a 32% Organic Traffic Boost from 4 On-Page SEO Changes [Case Study]

Posted by

My name is Patrick Curtis, and I'm the founder and CEO of Wall Street Oasis, an online community focused on careers in finance founded in 2006 with over 2 million visits per month.

User-generated content and long-tail organic traffic is what has built our business and community over the last 12+ years. But what happens if you wake up one day and realize that your growth has suddenly stopped? This is what happened to us back in November 2012.

In this case study, I’ll highlight two of our main SEO problems as a large forum with over 200,000 URLs, then describe two solutions that finally helped us regain our growth trajectory — almost five years later.

Two main problems

1. Algorithm change impacts

Ever since November 2012, Google’s algo changes have seemed to hurt many online forums like ours. Even though our traffic didn’t decline, our growth dropped to the single-digit percentages. No matter what we tried, we couldn’t break through our “plateau of pain” (I call it that because it was a painful ~5 years trying).

Plateau of pain: no double-digit growth from late 2012 onward

2. Quality of user-generated content

Related to the first problem, 99% of our content is user-generated (UGC) which means the quality is mixed (to put it kindly). Like most forum-based sites, some of our members create incredible pieces of content, but a meaningful percentage of our content is also admittedly thin and/or low-quality.

How could we deal with over 200,000 pieces of content efficiently and try to optimize them without going bankrupt? How could we “clean the cruft” when there was just so much of it?

Fighting back: Two solutions (and one statistical analysis to show how it worked)

1. "Merge and Purge" project

Our goal was to consolidate weaker “children” URLs into stronger “master” URLs to utilize some of the valuable content Google was ignoring and to make the user experience better.

For example, instead of having ~20 discussions on a specific topic (each with an average of around two to three comments) across twelve years, we would consolidate many of those discussions into the strongest two or three URLs (each with around 20–30 comments), leading to a much better user experience with less need to search and jump around the site.

Changes included taking the original post and comments from a “child” URL and merging them into the “master” URL, unpublishing the child URL, removing the child from sitemap, and adding a 301 redirect to the master.

Below is an example of how it looked when we merged a child into our popular Why Investment Banking discussion. We highlighted the original child post as a Related Topic with a blue border and included the original post date to help avoid confusion:

Highlighting a related topic child post

This was a massive project that involved some complex Excel sorting, but after 18 months and about $50,000 invested (27,418 children merged into 8,515 masters to date), the user experience, site architecture, and organization is much better.

Initial analysis suggests that the percentage gain from merging weak children URLs into stronger masters has given us a boost of ~10–15% in organic search traffic.

2. The Content Optimization Team

The goal of this initiative was to take the top landing pages that already existed on Wall Street Oasis and make sure that they were both higher quality and optimized for SEO. What does that mean, exactly, and how did we execute it?

We needed a dedicated team that had some baseline industry knowledge. To that end, we formed a team of five interns from the community, due to the fact that they were familiar with the common topics.

We looked at the top ~200 URLs over the previous 90 days (by organic landing page traffic) and listed them out in a spreadsheet:

Spreadsheet of organic traffic to URLs

We held five main hypotheses of what we believed would boost organic traffic before we started this project:

  1. Longer content with subtitles: Increasing the length of the content and adding relevant H2 and H3 subtitles to give the reader more detailed and useful information in an organized fashion.
  2. Changing the H1 so that it matched more high-volume keywords using Moz’s Keyword Explorer.
  3. Changing the URL so that it also was a better match to high-volume and relevant keywords.
  4. Adding a relevant image or graphic to help break up large “walls of text” and enrich the content.
  5. Adding a relevant video similar to the graphic, but also to help increase time on page and enrich the content around the topic.

We tracked all five of these changes across all 200 URLs (see image above). After a statistical analysis, we learned that four of them helped our organic search traffic and one actually hurt.

Summary of results from our statistical analysis

  • Increasing the length of the articles and adding relevant subtitles (H2s, H3s, and H4s) to help organize the content gives an average boost to organic traffic of 14%
  • Improving the title or H1 of the URLs yields a 9% increase on average
  • Changing the URL decreased traffic on average by 38% (this was a smaller sample size — we stopped doing this early on for obvious reasons)
  • Including a relevant video increases the organic traffic by 4% on average, while putting an image up increases it by 5% on average.

Overall, the boost to organic traffic — should we continue to make these four changes (and avoid changing the URL) — is 32% on average.

Key takeaway:

Over half of that gain (~18%) comes from changes that require a minimal investment of time. For teams trying to optimize on-page SEO across a large number of pages, we recommend focusing on the top landing pages first and easy wins before deciding if further investment is warranted.

We hope this case study of our on-page SEO efforts was interesting, and I’m happy to answer any questions you have in the comments!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Much loved traveller Queenie Doherty laid to rest after stunning procession from Cobham to Ashtead

Horse-drawn carriages, Rolls Royces and a band took to the streets

from getsurrey - News

What is local SEO?

Stanwell says 'fix our roads' as handmade signs highlight pothole problems

A mystery artist has been putting up handmade road signs in Stanwelll expressing their ire at the state of the town's roads

from getsurrey - News

Subway to open new stores in Surrey and YOU could run one

Subway has set out ambitious targets for new store development, with plans to grow its portfolio of stores in Kent and Surrey by 35 in two years

from getsurrey - News

Argos is recalling this product due to the risk of electric shock

Find out how to get a full refund or a replacement

from getsurrey - News

Travellers settle at Onslow Park and Ride in Guildford

The incident comes a year after a similar incursion at Merrow Park and Ride

from getsurrey - News

Ashford man jailed after being found guilty of historic sex offences

Peter Worley, 83, was arrested in November 2015 after one of his victims found the courage to come forward and report what he had done to her

from getsurrey - News

Horley St George's Day parade declared a massive success by workers and residents alike

Local businesses have praised the event that's "getting bigger and bigger every year"

from getsurrey - News

Nutfield friends set up company offering exotic spirits not found on the high street

Club Connoisseur will stock spirits from around the world

from getsurrey - News

Former engineer from Ashford jailed for sexual conversations with five teenage girls

Muhammad Asif Raza had sexually explicit conversations with girls aged 12 to 15, the court heard

from getsurrey - News

How using a mobile phone as a car passenger could get you fined £200

Parents, friends and driving instructors should be aware of this law when instructing a learner driver

from getsurrey - News

Man woke up to find blood on his front door following Woking stabbing

A man in his 20s was taken to St George's Hospital with serious injuries following the assault on Walton Road

from getsurrey - News

Works starts on A25 Guildford to widen pedestrian and cycle paths

The work is expected to take 20 weeks to complete

from getsurrey - News

Surrey sixth 'cruellest county' in south east after RSPCA investigated more than 2,000 complaints of animal abuse

Nationally Surrey came 26th out of 47 counties, with 2,076 complaints of animal cruelty made to the RSPCA in 2017

from getsurrey - News

Ongoing investigation at Weybridge property over 'firearms licence' not terror-related, police confirm

Surrey Police has been investigating a house in Brooklands Road since early March

from getsurrey - News

Motorcyclist injured in two vehicle crash on roundabout near Caterham

A BMW motorbike and a Volkswagen Polo car crashed into each other on Tuesday (April 24) morning

from getsurrey - News

Woking stabbing: Man in hospital with serious injuries following assault

Surrey Police are appealing for witnesses to the incident on April 24

from getsurrey - News

The SEO Quick Fix: Competitor Keywords, Redirect Chains, and Duplicate Content, Oh My!

Posted by ErinMcCaul

I have a eight-month-old baby. As a mom my time is at a premium, and I’ve come to appreciate functionalities I didn’t know existed in things I already pay for. My HBONow subscription has Game of Thrones AND Sesame Street? Fantastic! Overnight diapers can save me a trip to the tiny airplane bathroom on a quick flight? Sweet! Oxiclean keeps my towels fluffy and vanquishes baby poop stains? Flip my pancakes!

Moz Pro isn’t just a tool for link building, or keyword research, or on-page SEO, or crawling your site. It does all those things and a little bit more, simplifying your SEO work and saving time. And if you’ve run into an SEO task you’re not sure how to tackle, it’s possible that a tool you need is right here just waiting to be found! It’s in this spirit that we’ve revived our SEO Quick Fix videos. These 2–3 minute Mozzer-led tutorials are meant to help you get the most out of our tools, and offer simple solutions to common SEO problems.

Take Moz Pro for a spin!

Today we’ll focus on a few Keyword Explorer and Site Crawl tips. I hope these knowledge nuggets bring you the joy I experienced the moment I realized my son doesn’t care whether I read him The Name of the Wind or Goodnight Moon.

Let’s dive in!

Fix #1 - Keyword Explorer: Finding keyword suggestions that are questions

Search queries all have intent (“when to give my baby water” was a hot Google search at my house recently). Here’s the good news: Research shows that if you’re already ranking in the top ten positions, providing the best answers to specific questions can earn you a coveted Featured Snippet!

Featured snippet example

In this video, April from our Customer Success Team will show you how to pull a list of keyword phrases that cover the who, what, where, when, why, and how of all the related topics for keywords you’re already ranking for. Here’s the rub. Different questions call for different Featured Snippet formats. For example, “how” and “have” questions tend to result in list-based snippets, while “which” questions often result in tables. When you’re crafting your content, be mindful of the type of question you’re targeting and format accordingly.

Looking for more resources? Once you’ve got your list, check out AJ Ghergich’s article on the Moz Blog for some in-depth insight on formatting and optimizing your snippets. High five!

Fix #2 - Site Crawl: Optimize the content on your site

Sometimes if I find a really good pair of pants, I buy two (I mean, it’s really hard to find good pants). In this case duplicates are good, but the rules of pants don’t always apply to content. Chiaryn is here to teach you how to use Site Crawl to identify duplicate content and titles, and uncover opportunities to help customers and bots find more relevant content on your site.

When reviewing your duplicate content, keep a few things in mind:

  • Does this page provide value to visitors?
  • Title tags are meant to give searchers a taste of what your content is about, and meant to help bots understand and categorize your content. You want your title tags to be relevant and unique to your content.
  • If pages with different content have the same title tag, re-write your tags to make them more relevant to your page content. Use our Title Tag Preview tool to help out.
  • Thin content isn’t always a bad thing, but it’s still a good opportunity to make sure your page is performing as expected — and update it as necessary with meaningful content.
  • Check out Jo Cameron’s post about How to Turn Low-Value Content Into Neatly Organized Opportunities for more snazzy tips on duplicate content and Site Crawl!

Fix #3 - Keyword Explorer: Identify your competitors’ top keywords

Cozily nestled under a few clicks, Keyword Explorer holds the keys to a competitive research sweet spot. By isolating the ranking keywords you have in common with your competitors, you can pinpoint their weak spots and discover keywords that are low-hanging fruit — phrases you have the content and authority to rank for that, with a little attention, could do even better. In this video, Janisha shows you how targeting a competitor’s low-ranking keywords can earn you a top spot in the SERPS.

Finding competitors' keywords: A Venn diagram

Check out all that overlapped opportunity!

For a few more tips along this line, check out Hayley Sherman’s post, How to Use Keyword Explorer to Identify Competitive Keyword Opportunities.

Fix #4 - Site Crawl: Identify and fix redirect chains

Redirects are a handy way to get a visitor from a page they try to land on, to the page you want them to land on. Redirect chains, however, are redirects gone wrong. They look something like this: URL A redirects to URL B, URL B redirects to URL C… and so on and so forth.

These redirect chains can negatively impact your rankings, slow your site load times, and make it hard for crawlers to properly index your site.

Meghan from our Help team is here to show you how to find redirect chains, understand where they currently exist, and help you cut a few of those pesky middle redirects.

Looking for a few other redirect resources? I’ve got you covered:

Alright friends, that’s a wrap! Like the end of The Last Jedi, you might not be ready for this post to be over. Fear not! Our blog editor liked my jokes so much that she's promised to harp on me to write more blog posts. So, I need your help! Find yourself facing an SEO snafu that doesn’t seem to have a straightforward fix? Let me know in the comments. I might know a Moz tool that can help, and you might inspire another Quick Fix post!

Get a free month of Moz Pro

If you’re still interested in checking out more solutions, here’s a list of some of my favorite resources:

Stay cool!

Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog

Police officer 'dragged along road' when car he attempted to stop in Lingfield sped off

Police dogs were called in to hunt down the driver after the car was abandoned

from getsurrey - News

Fraudsters tricked 91-year-old Ewell woman into handing over her bank cards and stole nearly £1,000

Officers have released CCTV footage images of a suspect in the hope of the general public coming forward

from getsurrey - News

Monday, April 23, 2018

Foodbank usage soars by 14% in Surrey with more than 16,300 emergency packages handed out last year

More than 6,200 of the food packages handed out in 2017-2018 went to children

from getsurrey - News

Surrey and Borders NHS trust didn't act on suicidal concerns for man later found dead

Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust discharged Clive Burrill from its care months before he was found dead in his garden in Great Bookham

from getsurrey - News

We researched longer meta descriptions: here are our findings

South Western Railway performance according to the cold hard stats

More than 6,000 have signed an online petition to cancel the franchise's contract but do the numbers back up the perception?

from getsurrey - News

Farnham professional's sexual desire for children began 'when image popped up on computer', court hears

The 46-year-old was caught by police when he accessed a chatroom called "Paedo"

from getsurrey - News

Theft of 11-year-old's charity box leads to more than £1,100 in online donations

Tabitha Green, 11, of Shepperton, had her homemade charity box stolen from outside her home

from getsurrey - News

Guildford chef blends award-winning soup to help youth homeless charity

Omero Gallucci was named the winner of homeless charity Centrepoint's inaurgual Big Broth competition

from getsurrey - News

Suspected Homebase thief arrested in Farnham after crash with parked cars

The car failed to stop and was then in collision with a van and some parked cars on Dogflud Way

from getsurrey - News

Merstham Park School will open in September after plans for temporary classrooms are approved

The school's first intake of 120 children and another cohort in 2019 will be taught in the modular buildings while a permanent school is built

from getsurrey - News

Banstead's High Down prison in 'volatile state' with daily violence and drug problems, report finds

The number or reported violent incidents between prisoners rose by 19 per cent and drugs use is so rife some prisoners opt to stay in segregation to get away from them

from getsurrey - News

Robber involved in 'tug of war' struggle for young woman's phone in Guildford spared jail

The judge said the offence appeared to be "out-of-character" for the Guildford man

from getsurrey - News

Guildford Comic-Con cancelled due to 'lack of interest'

Previous guests included Game of Thrones actor Clive Russell, Walking Dead actor Joshua Mikel and Star Trek: Voyager's own holographic doctor, Robert Picardo

from getsurrey - News

Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge 'doing well' after giving birth to BOY!

The little bundle of joy was born at 11.01am and weighed 8lbs 7oz

from getsurrey - News

Passenger in fatal Shepperton crash in 'critical but stable condition'

The crash on Laleham Road on Saturday morning (April 23) claimed the life of one driver in his 20s

from getsurrey - News

If you wear the wrong sunglasses while driving you could face a £2,500 fine

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ROPO: 2018's Most Important Multichannel Digital Marketing Report

Posted by RobBeirne

Digital marketers have always had one drum they loudly beat in front of traditional advertising channels: "We can measure what we do better than you." Now, we weren't embellishing the truth or anything — we can measure digital advertising performance at a much more granular level than we can traditional advertising. But it's not perfect. Multichannel digital marketing teams always have one niggling thought that keeps them awake at night: online activity is driving in-store sales and we can't claim any credit for it.

Offline sales are happening. Sure enough, we're seeing online shopping become more and more popular, but even so, you’ll never see 100% of your sales being made online if you're a multichannel retailer. Whether it’s a dress that needs to be tried on or a TV you want to measure up before you buy, in-store purchases are going nowhere. But it's more important than ever to make sure you don't underestimate the impact your online advertising has on offline sales.

ROPO: Research Online Purchase Offline has plagued multichannel retailers for years. This is when awareness and hot leads are generated online, but the customers convert in-store.

There is one other problem hampering many multichannel businesses: viewing their online store as "just another store" and, in many cases, the store managers themselves considering the website to be a competitor.

In this article, I'll show you how we've improvised to create a ROPO report for DID Electrical, an Irish electrical and home appliance multichannel retailer, to provide greater insight into their customers' multichannel journey and how this affected their business.

What is ROPO reporting?

Offline conversions are a massive blind spot for digital marketers. It's the same as someone else taking credit for your work: your online ads are definitely influencing shoppers who complete their purchase offline, but we can't prove it. Or at least we couldn't prove it — until now.

ROPO reporting (Research Online Purchase Offline) allows multichannel retailers to see what volume of in-store sales have been influenced by online ads. Facebook has trail-blazed in this area of reporting, leaving Google in their wake and scrambling to keep up. I know this well, because I work on Wolfgang's PPC team and gaze enviously at the ROPO reporting abilities of our social team. Working with DID, we created a robust way to measure the offline value of both PPC and SEO activity online.

To create a ROPO report, multichannel retailers must have a digital touch point in-store. This isn't as complicated as it sounds and can be something like an e-receipt or warranty system where you email customers. This gives you the customer data that you'll need to match offline conversions with your online advertising activity.

As I mentioned earlier, Facebook makes this nice and simple. You take the data gathered in-store, upload it to Facebook, and they will match as many people as possible. Our social team is generally seeing a 50% match rate between the data gathered in-store and Facebook users who've seen our ads. You can watch two of my colleagues, Alan and Roisin, discussing social ROPO reporting in an episode of our new video series, Wolfgang Bites:

Clearly, ROPO reporting is potentially very powerful for social media marketers, but Google doesn't yet provide a way for me to simply upload offline conversion data and match it against people who've seen my ads (though they have said that this is coming for Google AdWords). Wouldn't this be a really boring article for people working in SEO and PPC if I just ended things there?

Google ROPO reporting

DID Electrical were a perfect business to develop a ROPO report for. Founded back in 1968 (happy 50th birthday guys!), a year before tech was advanced enough to put man on the moon, DID strives to "understand the needs of each and every one of their customers." DID have an innovative approach to multichannel retail, which is great for ROPO reporting because they're already offering e-receipts to customers purchasing goods for over €100. Better still, the email delivering the e-receipts also has a link to a dedicated competition. This sits on a hidden landing page, so the only visitors to this page are customers receiving e-receipts.

They were nearly set for ROPO reporting, but there was just one extra step needed. In Google Analytics, we set the unique competition landing page URL as a goal, allowing us to reverse-engineer customer journeys and uncover the extent of Google PPC and SEO's influence over in-store sales. Before I unveil the results, a few caveats.

The ROPO under-report

Despite our best efforts to track offline conversions, I can't say ROPO reporting reflects 100% of all in-store sales influenced by digital ads. In the past, we've been open about the difficulties in tracking both offline conversions and cross-device conversions. For example, when running a social ROPO report, customers might give a different email in-store from the one attached to their Facebook account. For an SEO or PPC ROPO report, the customer might click a search ad on a work computer but the open their e-receipt on their smartphone. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the beast, ROPO reporting just isn't 100% accurate, but it does give an incredible indication of online's influence over offline sales.

I expect to see improved reporting coming down the line from Google, and they're definitely working on a ROPO reporting solution like Facebook's upload system. While our approach to ROPO reporting does shine a light on the offline conversion blind spot, it's entirely likely that digital advertising's influence goes far beyond these (still mightily impressive) results.

It’s also important to note that this method isn’t intended to give an exact figure for every ROPO sale, but instead gives us an excellent idea of the proportion of offline sales impacted by our online activities. By applying these proportions to overall business figures, we can work out a robust estimate for metrics like offline ROI.

Results from ROPO reporting

I'm going to divide the results of this ROPO reporting innovation into three sections:

  1. PPC Results
  2. SEO Results
  3. Business Results

1. PPC results of ROPO reporting

First of all, we found 47% of offline customers had visited the DID Electrical website prior to visiting the store and making a purchase. Alone, this was an incredible insight into consumer behavior to be able to offer the team at DID. We went even further and determined that 1 in 8 measurable offline sales were influenced by an AdWords click.

2. SEO results of ROPO reporting

This method of ROPO reporting also means we can check the value of an organic click-through using the same reverse-engineering we used for PPC clicks. Based on the same data set, we discovered 1 in 5 purchases made in-store were made by customers who visited the DID site through an organic click prior to visiting the store.

3. Business results of ROPO reporting

ROPO reporting proved to be a great solution to DID's needs in providing clarity around the position of their website in the multichannel experience. With at least 47% of offline shoppers visiting the site before purchasing, 1 in 8 of them being influenced by AdWords and 1 in 5 by SEO, DID could now show the impact online was having over in-store sales. Internally, the website was no longer being viewed as just another store — now it's viewed as the hub linking everything together for an improved customer experience.

Following the deeper understanding into multichannel retail offered by ROPO reporting, DID was also able to augment their budget allocations between digital and traditional channels more efficiently. These insights have enabled them to justify moving more of their marketing budget online. Digital will make up 50% more of their overall marketing budget in 2018!

Getting started with ROPO reporting

If you're a digital marketer within a multichannel retailer and you want to get started with ROPO reporting, the key factor is your in-store digital touchpoint. This is the bridge between your online advertising and offline conversion data. If you're not offering e-receipts already, now is the time to start considering them as they played a critical role in DID’s ROPO strategy.

ROPO Cheat Guide (or quick reference)

If you're a multichannel retailer and this all sounds tantalizing, here’s the customer journey which ROPO measures:

  1. Customer researches online using your website
  2. Customer makes purchase in your brick-and-mortar store
  3. Customer agrees to receive an e-receipt or warranty delivered to their email address
  4. Customer clicks a competition link in the communication they receive
  5. This action is captured in your Google Analytics as a custom goal completion
  6. You can now calculate ROAS (Return On Advertising Spending)

The two critical steps here are the digital touchpoint in your physical stores and the incentive for the customer’s post-conversion communication click. Once you have this touchpoint and interaction, measuring Facebook's social ROPO is a simple file upload and using what I’ve shown you above, you’ll be able to measure the ROPO impact of PPC and SEO too.

If you do have any questions, pop them into the comments below. I have some questions too and it would be great to hear what you all think:

  • If you're a multichannel retailer, are you in a position to start ROPO reporting?
  • Does your company view your website as a hub for all stores or just another store (or even a competitor to the physical stores)?
  • Have you seen a shift in marketing spend towards digital?

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