Our company have been providing SEO professional services to customers since the birth of the internet. While our approaches have developed over time, our overall aim hasn't and that's to get our customers web pages to rank on the 1st page for appropriate keywords along with only using ethical and long-lasting techniques.
Thursday, May 2, 2019
Car smashes into electricity pole and overturns in Brookwood leaving almost 600 customers without power
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/car-smashes-electricity-pole-overturns-16217420
Man arrested on suspicion of theft and fraud after officers called to Barclays in Cranleigh
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/cranleigh-barclays-high-street-arrested-16215579
Motorcyclist airlifted to hospital with serious injuries after car crash near Farnham
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/motorcyclist-airlifted-hospital-serious-injuries-16213197
How and where the Conservatives could lose their grip on Surrey
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/how-conservatives-could-lose-grip-16215032
Residents unable to vote due to 'clerical error' at polling station in Woking
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/residents-unable-vote-due-clerical-16214461
Two hectares of woodland damaged following large fire near Cranleigh
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/two-hectares-woodland-damaged-following-16214419
Council to pause buying property out of Surrey to reuse or sell off empty buildings
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/council-pause-buying-property-out-16213570
Renewed appeal to find girl, 15, last seen in Wanborough six days ago
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/renewed-appeal-find-girl-15-16214535
Surrey County Council to sell advertising space at recycling tips and roadsides to make money
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/surrey-county-council-sell-advertising-16213700
Meet Cleo, Rue and Button - the adorable dogs banishing exam stress at Caterham School
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/special-features/meet-cleo-rue-button-adorable-16077349
Woman airlifted from M23 crash still in 'very serious condition' after suffering head injuries
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/woman-airlifted-m23-crash-still-16212798
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
360 new homes proposed for Surrey section of Copthorne at Tandridge and Mid Sussex border
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/360-new-homes-proposed-surrey-16206549
Sir Paul Beresford should be forced to apologise over traveller comment
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/sir-paul-beresford-should-forced-16208822
Thanks a million! Fundraising goal reached for George and the Giant Pledge
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/thanks-million-fundraising-goal-reached-16208805
Vet 'unable to establish' cause of death after burnt body of dog found in Merrow
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/vet-unable-establish-cause-death-16209706
Announcing the New Moz SEO Essentials Certificate: What It Is & How to Get Certified
Posted by BrianChilds
“Does Moz offer a certification?”
Educating the marketing community about SEO is one of our core values here at Moz. I worked at an agency prior to joining the team back in 2016, and much of what I learned about how to deliver SEO to our clients came from reading the Moz Blog and watching MozCon videos.
In 2016, one of Moz’s entrepreneurial product managers, Rachel Moore, launched a new catalog of SEO coursework called Moz Academy. This initiative enabled our community to learn faster through structured, interactive workshops. Since 2017, the team has taught SEO to almost 2,500 students through our various class offerings (I looked it up prior to writing this. That number made me really proud).
Across all these interactions, one question asked by our students kept surfacing:
Can I get a certificate for completing this coursework?
For agencies, the ability to show a certificate of completion is a way to differentiate themselves amongst a crowded market. I knew from my own experience how valuable having “HubSpot Inbound Certified” and “Adwords Certified” on my LinkedIn profile was — they allowed our team to show proficiency to our prospective clients. For our friends working as in-house marketers, showing a certificate of completion is a way of showing that the student made good on the investment they requested from their managers.
I’m proud to announce that Moz has put in a tremendous amount of effort to create a certificate program that meets this consistent customer demand. Today, Moz is launching the SEO Essentials Certificate through our Moz Academy platform. Check it out below:
What is an SEO Certificate?
An SEO Certificate from Moz is all about developing familiarization with Moz tools and covering some of the essential types of projects you can use to hit the ground running. Though attendees of the Moz Academy come from a variety of backgrounds, we built the certification coursework with an Agency or freelance SEO in mind. However, I believe this material is valuable for anyone interested in learning SEO.
The certificate is focused on five core competency areas:
- Fundamental SEO Concepts (Understand the Fundamentals)
- Keyword research (Develop Keyword Strategies)
- Page optimization (Apply On-Page Optimization Strategies)
- Link building essentials (Build Effective Link Strategies)
- Reporting on SEO (Create Efficient Reporting Strategies)
By completing this certificate, attendees should be able to articulate for their stakeholders where SEO fits in a digital strategy, how to find and target search engine results pages (SERPs) based on the competitive landscape, and how to approach delivering basic SEO tactics using the Moz toolset.
With this foundation, you'll be able to jump off into more advanced topics such as technical SEO fixes, local SEO, and how to set up your agency for success.
Check out just what's included in the coursework for the Moz SEO Essentials certificate:
1. Understand the Fundamentals
One challenge we observed in the development of SEO coursework: our users often started delivering organic traffic improvements without having a foundational understanding of where SEO tactics fit into a broader digital strategy. Often people will initiate optimization efforts without first conducting effective keyword research. Or, if keyword research was being done, it wasn’t framed within a repeatable, scalable process.
The Understand the Fundamentals course sets the stage for delivering SEO in a way that can be repeated efficiently. In addition to defining essential terminology used in the following classes, you learn how to organize keyword research in a way that produces insight about competition. This relatively simple framework can radically improve targeting of your SEO activities, especially for large enterprises that may compete in several different markets simultaneously.
2. Develop Keyword Strategies
After introducing a framework for conducting keyword research, the certificate program dives into a step-by-step process for creating large keyword clusters and identifying the keywords that will produce the best results. In the development of this coursework, we recognized that many articles and resources talk about keyword research but don’t define a repeatable, scalable process for actually doing it. So many articles about SEO promote hacks that may work for a particular use case, but lack step-by-step instructions. We developed this course to provide you with a practical process that can scale alongside your work.
You’ll learn the importance of mapping keyword clusters to the typical sales funnel customers follow as they move from exploration of solutions to purchase. I’ve presented this material in workshops to large enterprises and small companies — every marketing team that's used this process found it valuable.
By the end of the class, you’ll be familiar with the most valuable features of Moz Keyword Explorer and how to organize lists to help you identify and target the best keywords for your stakeholders.
3. Apply On-Page Optimization Strategies
For many websites, you can find quick wins simply by optimizing page attributes that target strategic keywords. For as much as search has evolved in recent years, we still operate primarily in a world where the text on a page defines the value of that page. This course provides an overview of those attributes and their relative importance.
You'll have a clear understanding of how to use site crawl and page optimization tools to identify, prioritize, and begin optimizing pages based on the keyword strategy they developed in the previous class. Often one of the challenges our students have discovered is that they moved too quickly into optimization without first having their strategy defined. This class will show how strategy and implementation fit together.
4. Build Effective Link Strategies
Link building is another practice that, as an agency marketer, I found difficult to scale. Many articles describe the importance of how relevant links relate to ranking, or hacks that produced a particular result for a page, but not how to create a repeatable process.
As you'll discover in the class, link building is more about process than tools. You’ll understand how to use Moz Link Explorer to isolate the best domains to target amongst the thousands you might consider. I use this process myself whenever launching new websites and it turns a week-long project into a few hours of work. For any agency, where time is literally money, driving down the cost of link analysis with Moz tools can be a big windfall.
5. Create Efficient Reporting Strategies
Whether you're working at an enterprise brand or providing digital marketing services, reporting on outcomes is a big part of your job. Because of the challenges inherent in reporting on attribution with SEO strategies, it's vital to understand both how to set up your data and some common ways to tie SEO projects to broader digital marketing initiatives. This course provides a framework for reporting on SEO that you can adjust to suit your needs. You’ll learn how to use Google Analytics and Moz tools to create actionable reports you can share with your team and stakeholders.
SEO Essentials Certificate FAQs
Here are some of the common questions our community has asked us about the SEO Essentials Certificate during the development process.
How do I get SEO Certified?
Moz offers the SEO Essentials Certificate program via the Moz Academy platform. When you visit Moz Academy, you will see the SEO Essentials Certificate program listed in the catalog. All you have to do is select the course and proceed through the login process.
How long does the SEO Essentials Certificate take?
The Moz SEO Essentials coursework consists of several hours of online instruction, as well as a few quizzes and a final exam. The coursework is developed to be completed within a week of starting. Some attendees have completed the coursework in two days, but for most folks, it takes about a week.
Will I get an SEO certificate and LinkedIn badge?
Yes! We've developed a way for you to get both a SEO certificate you can print and a LinkedIn badge to show you've completed the program. When you pass the final exam, you'll find links to both of these assets and instructions on how to generate them.
How long is the SEO Essentials Certificate valid?
The Moz SEO Essentials Certificate is valid for one year after registration. When the certificate expires, you'll need to retake the coursework to maintain your certification. We set the expiration at one year because SEO changes a lot! (Seriously — just take a look at the Google Algorithm Change History.) We want to make sure that you have the most up-to-date information when displaying your credentials online and to stakeholders.
Find yourself with questions not addressed in this post? Drop them in the comments and we'll do our best to get them answered.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog http://tracking.feedpress.it/link/9375/11312641
Woman airlifted from M23 with 'serious' injuries after crash that closed motorway
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/woman-airlifted-m23-serious-injuries-16211369
Waverley UKIP candidate accused of creating ‘racist’ meme says those criticising him are ‘hyper sensitive'
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Diversion routes after M23 closed southbound following crash and air ambulance arrival
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Opera about Alexander Litvinenko assassination to be staged in Surrey
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M&S investigating Camberley man's claim that chunks of plastic were in his food
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96-year-old woman robbed of trolley bag in the street by man in Chessington
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Motorcyclist 'seriously injured' in A25 crash near Dorking
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Driver left stranded on metal railings after crash in Cobham High Street
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Surrey County Council on course to make savings worth £200m in two years
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'Large disturbance' at Newdigate car boot sale leaves woman in hospital with head injury
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/large-disturbance-newdigate-car-boot-16203412
Deaths from fires in Surrey fall as council leader stresses need for more prevention
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/deaths-fires-surrey-fall-council-16206665
Give it up for Your MozCon 2019 Community Speakers!
Posted by cheryldraper
High fives and fist bumps for each and every person who took the time to pitch their hearts out for this years’ six community speaker spots — a whopping 130 entries were submitted!
Our selection committee read, watched, and researched, whittling things down to a shortlist of top contenders and then read, watched, and researched some more to determine if a potential speaker and their talk would be a perfect fit for the MozCon stage.
We take lots of things into account during our review, but ultimately there are three main factors that determine our final selections:
- Strength of the pitch (e.g., value, relevance to the audience, etc.)
- Can the content reasonably be delivered in the time allotted?
- Does it fit with overall programming and agenda?
After much deliberation, we’re confident these six community speakers are going to be a great addition to the MozCon Stage.
Grab a seat and see for yourself!
Ready to meet your MozCon Community Speakers?
Areej AbuAli, Head of SEO at Verve Search
Fixing the Indexability Challenge: A Data-Based Framework
How do you turn an unwieldy 2.5 million-URL website into a manageable and indexable site of just 20,000 pages? Areej will share the methodology and takeaways used to restructure a job aggregator site which, like many large websites, had huge problems with indexability and the rules used to direct robot crawl. This talk will tackle tough crawling and indexing issues, diving into the case study with flow charts to explain the full approach and how to implement it.
Christi Olson, Head of Evangelism, Search at Microsoft
What Voice Means for Search Marketers: Top Findings from the 2019 Report
How can search marketers take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses of today's voice assistants? Diving into three scenarios for informational, navigational, and transactional queries, Christi will share how to use language semantics for better content creation and paid targeting, how to optimize existing content to be voice-friendly (including the new voice schema markup!), and what to expect from future algorithm updates as they adapt to assistants that read responses aloud, no screen required. Highlighting takeaways around voice commerce from the report, this talk will ultimately provide a breakdown on how search marketers can begin to adapt their shopping experience for v-commerce.
Emily Triplett Lentz, Content Strategy Lead at Help Scout
How to Audit for Inclusive Content
Digital marketers have a responsibility to learn to spot the biases that frequently find their way into online copy, replacing them with alternatives that lead to stronger, clearer messaging and that cultivate wider, more loyal and enthusiastic audiences. Last year, Help Scout audited several years of content for unintentionally exclusionary language that associated physical disabilities or mental illness with negative-sounding terms, resulting in improved writing clarity and a stronger brand. You'll learn what inclusive content is, how it helps to engage a larger and more loyal audience, how to conduct an audit of potentially problematic language on a site, and how to optimize for inclusive, welcoming language.
Greg Gifford, Vice President of Search at DealerOn
Dark Helmet's Guide to Local Domination with Google Posts and Q&A
Google Posts and Questions & Answers are two incredibly powerful features of Google My Business, yet most people don't even know they exist. Greg will walk through Google Posts in detail, sharing how they work, how to use them, and tips for optimization based on testing with hundreds of clients. He'll also cover the Q&A section of GMB (a terrifying feature that lets anyone in the community speak for your business), share the results of a research project covering hundreds of clients, share some hilarious examples of Q&A run wild, and explain exactly how to use Q&A the right way to win more local business.
Joelle Irvine, Director, Marketing & Growth at Bookmark Content and Communications
Image & Visual Search Optimization Opportunities
With voice, local, and rich results only rising in importance, how do image and visual search fit into the online shopping ecosystem? Using examples from Google Images, Google Lens, and Pinterest Lens, Joelle will show how image optimization can improve overall customer experience and play a key role in discoverability, product evaluation, and purchase decisions for online shoppers, while at the same time accepting that image recognition technology is not yet perfect. Learn actionable tactics around image optimization, including image framing, categorizing, structured data, and indexing to better optimize for visual search.
Marie Haynes, Owner at Marie Haynes Consulting Inc.
Super-Practical Tips for Improving Your Site's E-A-T
Google has admitted that they measure the concept of "Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness" in their algorithms. If your site is categorized under YMYL (Your Money or Your Life), you absolutely must have good E-A-T in order to rank well. In this talk, you'll learn how Google measures E-A-T and what changes you can make both on site and off in order to outrank your competitors. Using real-life examples, Marie will answer what E-A-T is and how Google measures it, what changes you can make on your site to improve how E-A-T is displayed, and what you can do off-site to improve E-A-T.
Be sure to check out the initial agenda here to get a taste of all the MozCon goodness we've got in store for you.
Sign up for The Moz Top 10, a semimonthly mailer updating you on the top ten hottest pieces of SEO news, tips, and rad links uncovered by the Moz team. Think of it as your exclusive digest of stuff you don't have time to hunt down but want to read!

from The Moz Blog http://tracking.feedpress.it/link/9375/11311425
Four people arrested in connection with stolen cars found at Chertsey farm
from Surrey Live - News https://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/four-people-arrested-connection-stolen-16206243